Probably going to step on toes here. In fact, I know I will.
I personally believe that speaking in tongues is Biblical, but that what passes for speaking in "tongues" in the vast majority of today's churches isn't really speaking in tongues.
Here's why:
- In every recorded instance of tongues being given as a gift of the Holy Spirit (for a sign),
it is a discernible language understood by the foreigners around them. These foreigners are amazed to each hear their own language. It is a sign from God to them show His power and that these men are truly anointed with the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit.
- Paul states very clearly (1 Corinthians 14:23) that if everyone in the church is speaking in different "tongues" then they will be considered crazy (interesting that churches who "speak in tongues" completely ignore this... and as a result are thought of as being crazy by outsiders). By whom will they be considered crazy? By the unbelievers and the
unlearned. This implies to me that it is a knowable language because no amount of education can teach you to understand gibberish.
- Paul says that the gift of tongues is for a sign to unbelievers. Shouting incoherently doesn't really have the effect of convincing people that it's a miracle being performed by the one true God, but someone miraculously speaking your native tongue when they couldn't do it before could certainly be taken as a true sign.
- Corinth (the book of 1 Corinthians is where you'll find the big cache of verses about speaking in tongues) was a culturally diverse city. Congregations of Christians would have probably been multi-ethnic.
- 1 Corinthians 14:33 -- "God is not the author of confusion..." I'm not trying to be unkind, but what passes as tongues in most churches is... confusing gibberish.
- Experience bears it out. When I first got saved (and it wasn't no cute, quite conversion, either... it was a hellfire struggle followed by Holy Ghost-instituted jumping around and crying and shouting and laughing and hugging people and making restitutions -- the happiest day of my life, EVER!), I did not speak in tongues. And I've never spoken in tongues, except for when I experimentally tried incoherently babbling once. (I didn't feel any better for it, by the way.) It is also borne out by the experience of one of the most godly men I know, who visited a Pentecostal tent meeting once (when he didn't get "slain in the Spirit," -- he was actually laying his hands on people, squeezing their forehead and temples hard, and then pushing them over -- or speak in "tongues," this preacher said my friend was Satan. This friend of mine is a solid Christian man who lives what he preaches and believes strongly in miracles and has healed many people). My friend also knew someone who went to a church where "tongues" was taught. This friend observed people taking turns standing up and speaking in "tongues" and other people standing up and taking turns interpreting. He knew the Lord's prayer in Greek, and stood up and spoke it. Someone on the other side of the room stood up to interpret and... said something completely different, of course. I know of multiple people who backslid, got involved in a church that preached tongues, and are willing to swear in a court of law that they became demon-possessed when they had hands laid on them to receive "tongues" (they got saved later and ran from the "tongues movement" as fast as they possibly could go.) I would like to add that none of the very deeply godly, prayerful, Spirit-filled people in my life speak in tongues.
- A friend of mine, who I do believe is a Christian and a good man, speaks in tongues in his church. We've discussed his points of view and mine. He said that "Speaking in tongues helps you to get the Spirit." I told pointed out that, in the Bible, speaking in tongues only happens after you've already been blessed by the Holy Spirit.
- Anyone with vocal cords can imitate what is done in most "tongues"-speaking churches.
What I think Biblical speaking in tongues is:
- I believe it is the spontaneous speaking of an actual language that you did not know before, given as a gift from God for His glory and to help communicate with the lost, or with believers who need edification.
Why I think this:
- This is borne out by every recorded event in the Bible where God gave his children the gift of tongues.
- It is compatible with every Scripture pertaining to speaking in tongues, such as what Paul wrote.
- It is borne out by experience. I know of many instances where a missionary needed to communicate in a language they didn't understand and God made them perfectly understandable to whom they were speaking. By contrast, I know of a Pentecostal preacher who was visiting a tent meeting in a country where he didn't speak the language; the Holy Spirit came down powerfully without a word being preached, and the altars were lined with people seeking God... and you know what he said? "If only I could speak the language!" Huh. I know of a woman who didn't speak Hebrew, and was reciting the 23rd Psalm (as far as she was aware) in English... and totally freaked out a rabbi who exclaimed that she was saying the 23rd Psalm in perfect Hebrew. God was using the man's own tongue to convince this Jewish rabbi that this Christian woman really was of God.
I hope I haven't offended anyone terribly, but that's my take on it. It's a bit TL;DR, I know.

I'm not saying that if you speak in "tongues" you aren't a Christian. But I question whether popular "tongues" isn't something people came up with on their own...or if it isn't an outright scam set up by someone darker to discredit God's people.
Love all of you guys, God bless.