What is wrong with you people and your backwards politics? First, politics and faith are separated, one can be a Christian democrat and an atheist republican, or a narcissist republican, in Donald Trump's case. I have seen so much hatred, meaness, bigotry, lies, foolishness, arrogance, aggression and ignorance on the side of right-wing "Christian" republicans than on the side of democrats.
I think President Obama has been a good president, he has had to make up for the idiots that were before him, and he has made America more equal and popular around the world. He has done a lot to help the poor and lower class. A lot of ignorant rednecks hate President Obama, they are poor and do not realize that republican politicians are only interested in money and dominance, the poor rednecks will be really sorry when republicans win, they are heavily against the poor. Republicans support big business, oil and gas, billionaires are the ones who profit. If you're not rich, republicans are not interested in you.