I don't know what your motivation is - but rest assured - if you are not doing this in ignorance that you will share in God's judgment.
I happily await Gods judgement, secure in the knowledge that I am not trying to twist facts, tell blatant lies to suit my agenda nor influence young people with BS.
My motivation is based purely on the fact that you are here to troll conspiracy theories to impressionable young minds.
You know, stuff like this...
We believe that he is selling out America and it's people to these secret socities which are headed by the Church of Rome as well as to the elite bankers. This is Bible prophecy, a one world government and we are seeing it happen in our day.
and especially tripe like this...
I am not going to get into all of the details here April. All I can say is that anyone who is educated on the matter knows that we are about 5 years - maximum - from living in a fascist police state.
You are scaremongering and have no factual proof to back up your claims except some trumped up and falsified videos and the barely coherent ramblings of a C grade celebrity.
You sir are a nobody who is making a huge deal in this thread and attacking me for no reason whatsoever. I have not claimed to be anyone special, I just came here to explain to April why Obama is hated so much.
I am rebutting your tripe, and you just don't like it. Us
nobodies are quite good at it, apparently.
So, instead of crying, how about you explain to us all why you would use an obviously fraudulent recording of JFK, that was cut and pasted to "prove" your ideology.
Like I said, I can go through all of your videos, one by one, and show you up as the fraud that you are, if you like.
Then I post video after video offering proof of what is happening and you go on the attack! Again, you are a nobody. Who should I listen to? CNN, the wonderfully godly Congressman Ron Paul, C-Span, Chuck Norris, or you?
I am waiting for you to claim that 9/11 was all a government conspiracy and an integral part of your One World Government claim.
Surely that was your next claim.
You listen to Chuck Norris spouting a personal opinion, (without one iota of factual proof to back up his claims), with Neil cavutto and I will satisfy myself with those little things called facts.
The heat in the kitchen getting too hot?
If you post that tripe in any thread, anywhere and you can expect some derision.
Suck it up.