Well the obeservation in regard to this thread is that the dispossession and illegal invasion of a nation and subsequent genocide, because modern Israel is a racist state, the only one in the world, in a land where once Muslims, Jews and Christians of all tribes had lived peacefully, this illegal invasion is from Satan, things like murder, theft, lying, they are from Satan, so we have Ashkenazim Jews, so by race they are not ancient Israelites they are converted to the religion of Judaism and they come from southern Russia and Eastern Europe and they pretend to be ancient Israelites and invade under disguise the holy land and claim it for themselves passing themselves off as 'Chosen people of God' thereby securing themselves strategic land, resources and the support of gullible christians, who then go on to fight wars and sacrifice themselves and give their wealth away to con-jobs! Thats what it is, its a con-job and the result is becoming increasing horrific and will continue until it is ended.
There is no Biblical support whatsoever for the building of a 'god's holy temple' on Earth in Jerusalem, a simple reading of the NT especially Revelations explains this very clearly, no biblical basis for a physical temple built in Jerusalem - the holy Temple of God is the body of Christ and exists indwelling the body of Christians on earth, for the anti-christ to take seat in the holy temple is for the spirit of the anti-christ to came and take it seat in you, that meant seat of authority, the authority of the anti-christ over the body of the Christians and we see that evident today, with zionist pro-Israeli christians supporting a false people in a false land, that are anti-christs.