The symptoms of Fibro and EHS are shared. You would do to stay clear of all radiation sources as much as possible be they mand made (low frequency - wiring in the walls) or high frequency (everything wireless and two way wave microwave radiation like wifi, microwave oven, baby monitors and mobile phones). Electrohyper Sensitivity has been around since 1930 but gets more and more prevalent these days and some say that up 70% of the population hasn't linked their chronic health condition to radiation exposure. Detox and a clean life style is important and liver and bowel cleanses are the first. I have a client who is chemical sensitive and EHS and lives in the bush in a car violently ill from wireless radiation close to her home. Big Pharma will never come with a cure, not for doctors and not for shrinks as the money is only in the middle where they can keep people on continuity drugs. Abram Hoffer MD helped many with Niacin, it works wonders for heart, brains, artheries etc. Then there is serrapeptase, have a look into that as well. Don't give up okay, Keep looking up. Yesterday we prayed in a room here on CC and someone got healed of a nine year long back issue with lots of pain after we commanded it to go in His Name! God bless.