Let us keep track, you have posted against SDA, and now you have added two more.
As I advised in your SDA post, learn just what or who is the Great Whore on seven hills.
The Great Whore is covered with names of blasphemy, her daughters.
Now, understand what whoredom is as taught by the Word throughout.
Having mastered these simple lessons, perhaps the realization that the faith of Abraham, our father historically iw the only faith that is of the Holy Spirit and true.
Now, take those names of blasphemy and see if they are listed in the Word anywhere.
Our Heavenly Father will be calling His children out of that Great Whore so as not to suffer her punishments with her. It stands to reason, sense, that God will call His children out of her daughters also.
In attacking these names of blasphemy one at a time, you are wasting the time of all. Be content with the faith of Abraham as taught by our Savior, Jesus Christ. It is time consuming and wasteful to go through the names one at a time.