If you know the emotional reality of love and purity, you know doctrines to make you secure are ideas here one day and gone the next..
Your emotional 'reality' of love and purity is here one day and gone the next? How sad for you.
Its probably based on your performance or lack of performance.
Or perhaps your choices or lack of choices...
Some talk about faith from a head knowledge, from emotionally defended hearts that will create any excuse than walk as the Lord intended
Its just simple pride, arrogance and leaning on your own understanding.
It has very little to do with 'emotionally defended hearts'.
There are too many people leaning on their own understanding of what they think everyone should do in order to mimic Christ. They give all these impossible commands that people have to do in order to follow after Christ.
The Truth is what Christ says. Come to me and I will give you rest. Without me, you can do nothing. With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.
These simple statements should be more than enough to show everyone that it is the work of Christ, of God Himself, that draws us to Him and Saves us and keeps us Saved.
Why don't people understand Grace and that its a gift? This isn't a doctrine. This is the Lord Jesus Christ. This is what He does for Humanity. But our stupidity gets in the way. Our, all of our... pride, stubbornness, forgetfulness, laziness...
What changes? When we are saved by Grace through Faith and knowing its a gift how do we try to add our works as a pre-requisite to walking with the Lord??? Its either stupidity or lack of knowledge and revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ. He who started a work in us is faithful to finish it. He will never leave us nor forsake us. God does not repent of His Gifts or Calling.
I suppose if you don't think you are secure in Christ, if you can somehow lose salvation, then you will be forever attempting to prove by your work that you belong. To people and to the Lord.
How many people that belong somewhere still attempt to prove they belong there? Its a wasted effort. Anywhere you belong, you belong by faith. You don't try to prove to anyone that you belong in your house. Well, why not? Because you have faith that your check pays the price for you to be there.
Its the same with the Kingdom of God. We don't have to prove that we belong. We have faith that the Lord Jesus Christ has paid the price for us to be there. We're not there because of our good works. We're not there because of our good choices. We are there because of 1 thing and 1 thing only. Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and what He has done.