Posting a reply in Bible Discussion on whether or not medications are sinful, I posted some of the little I know about Biblical meds, three topical meds in particular, wine, salt and olive oil
Off hand I know that olive oil is good for helping wounds to heal. I have used it also for rashes.
Another very wonderful use is for ridding your dog of ear ticks, a few drops in each ear will suffocate them, and a few days later repeated just in case.
Does anyone here know more uses for olive oil, wine, salt or any other mention from the Word. I love natural remedies, that work because they are a gift from our Dad............hoping to hear from you.......j
Off hand I know that olive oil is good for helping wounds to heal. I have used it also for rashes.
Another very wonderful use is for ridding your dog of ear ticks, a few drops in each ear will suffocate them, and a few days later repeated just in case.
Does anyone here know more uses for olive oil, wine, salt or any other mention from the Word. I love natural remedies, that work because they are a gift from our Dad............hoping to hear from you.......j