I didn't say that it was offensive, I said that, considering he is so convinced that it is Satanic, then it makes little sense to "promote" it.
I make no apology for mocking him at all. If the cap fits, then wear it.
All we have seen so far from the OP is cut and paste articles to back up his beliefs.
He then continues down the path of shoving his opinion down peoples throats, regardless of who is hurt or upset in the meantime, ( check out his adoption diatribe for evidence of this).
He is patronising and condescending, in the extreme, when people put up an opposing point of view, and then sulks when people continue to disagree.
He is quick to judge and even quicker to apply God's judgement, in his OWN NAME, on those who oppose him.
If you, and other people, can't see through his thinly veiled facade on this forum then I can't help you.