Well, thanks y'all. I appreciate that. It's thought provoking though, because... well, I wrote a song once wondering about how I come across to people.
I know how I think and feel and see things, but what impression does someone else get when I'm trying to communicate with them?
In fact, thinking further, I've written about 3 or 4 songs that have to do with conversation and such. Hmm...
I find it, like many things, interesting, because it makes you think... What if your impression of someone is entirely wrong, or what if you (or they) see yourself (or themselves) in an entirely different light? I've run into that before with different people.
I try to be genuine, authentic, sincere as a way of life. I'm just tired of being fake, and of those who are just 'playing the part', you know? There's also a lot that changes in text vs when speaking with someone face to face. It's hard to accurately translate or get a good read sometimes...
It's strange, though, like many curious things in life. For example, I've both been raised and decided to try and treat everyone with civility and some measure of kindness/proper etiquette (being polite). Yet, I've had a few people take offense to this, thinking I was being sarcastically rude instead of sincere... to which you just sort of look at them with a slightly confused expression as they curse you out and say,
"Okay, thanks? I'm sorry you feel that way. I hope to come across better next time."
I ran into that about 1 out of every couple hundred people when I worked for Starbucks. You know... Happiness really is a good thing! I've spent enough of my life unhappy to realize that happiness is definitely the better choice.