I've got Bauer (BDAG) open in front of me to the word dunamis. It means SO MUCH MORE than just ability. When referring to God, it is total power. But as far as sin is concerned one should be wary about the ability of self to overcome. I would rather trust in God's power, not my own ability, as I have faced the darkness before I was saved and came up wanting! I found that trusting in the Lord with all my heart and leaning not to my own understanding, acknowledging him and his power has kept my paths straight. (Proverbs 5:3-5)
There are many aspects of teaching in the church where emphasis is laid.
Now I thought life was a simple experience and understanding Christ in faith was it.
What I also discovered was a whole emotional reality of ties and allegiances that made me who I was.
One was a love of my parents, that was deep and foundational, without condition. Another was just to be accepted by someone else, deep down, and be understood.
I needed to admit these realities and express them. In the ten commandments, Honour your father and mother is there.
Jesus on the cross says "I love you."
Emotional denial of the world of sin within. I have within me all the sin anyone could ever commit, just missing the circumstance. None is fully formed but I have the seeds. I need to face that reality, I am a lost sinner in need.
I need to face I wall off emotion, anger, sexual desire, frustration because I do not like admitting that it is part of me.
I had a wall of anger within, that needed letting go and just being open.
Now at the end of this journey, I can say I know what purity is. And what has guided me through, Jesus love me, accepts me with my weaknesses and failures, all my blindness and poverty of faith and spirit.
Jesus points the way, highlights the doors, shows the locks and provides the keys, but we have to open the doors, let down the blinds and let in the light. We are being made into children of God, with authority, judgement, a foundation in the principles and heart of the Lord, as brothers and sisters in the Lord. This means doing things, choosing and becoming something fuller and greater than we were as sinners lost in sin.
I do not believe anyone is any less bound by the same principles I am talking about here. And Jesus is the Lord and key to it all, there in scripture if anyone is willing to apply and work through the reality of who they are.
It is not self sorting things through and it is not Jesus sorting things through, it is a communion between the two.