Should i worry non stop each day that people dont like me? Cause despite their comments that i dont agree with i still love them .. and supposedly theyre ''christians'' so... maybe im not the wrong one here.. this is why i dont like affiliating with so called christians and end up being faker than ever
Actually, if you're always polite and respectful even with people you don't agree with, you won't have to worry seriously about people not liking you. In most cases, it will happen automatically. (And they won't accuse you of being a troll!)
I have seen nothing that in AuntieAnt's post that warranted that kind of attitude from you. In fact, it was good, solid advice, whether or not you agree with or wish to follow it.
On that note, you say that you love them, but a lot of what I've seen you post have been rather rude responses, so you'll have to pardon me and everyone else if we've gotten the wrong idea about you.
Fun fact: You don't have to be fake to be polite and courteous. You can blatantly disagree with someone and still be civilized about it (don't tell anyone in the BDF that... they'll want to argue with me about it. Lol).
so... maybe im not the wrong one here..
I completely fail to see anything or relevance in my post that pointed to you being wrong about anything; only discourteous.
I understand you're a bit frustrated, but just lay off the condescension and work on the maturity and you'll be fine.
On a different note, I do notice that you have been decent enough to back up on several occasions when you were wrong and apologize. I commend you for that.