I believe there are games that have no harm, but I also believe there are many games with much harm. We have to be careful with what we put in our heads. Phil 4:8, Prov 18:21, 1 Cor 10:23, 31. I played games as long as I can remember, in kindergarten beating mario lol. It's not a matter of right or wrong I think, its more of a matter of what brings God the most glory? Is it glorifying to God to hear His name blasphemed over and over in this game? or unclean words glorified by the "hero" of the story? or watching lustful dressed characters? What brings God the most glory? A clean heart is what He desires, watching some of the things in video games should make us sick, for instance God's name being used in vain, He is our creator, our savior, and they are using His name as a curse word, I can't enjoy a game that does that, what does God think of this game? One last thing, how does your time with Him compare to your time with the games? What would your life look like, if you spent the time you play games on reading His word, praying, and worshiping our King. So over all I'm just saying, its not about right our wrong, but our desire should be to please God. I wanted games, but I wanted God more and I had to lay down myself and surrender even games to Him. Hope this helps, and when you lay down something for God, usually what you gain is so much more precious.