sadly, they would have to live in a fantasy world
1. I am not that bad of a sinner (If I admit I am one at all)
2. I am not sinning like the others (non believers)
3. My sins are not really sin (water down law)
4. I have to surround myself with people like me or a little worse than me, And always be in a place where I can compair myself with worse sinners. So I can feel better of myself and not be so afraid.
5. I have to FIGHT grace believers, and call them sinners who hate God, Lie about what they teach, and get a smany bibel verses so I can mass post verse after verse which I see supports my gospel.. Then attack someone when they try to tell my I have interpreted the passage wrong.
I can go on and on about the ways they have to live and act, and believe.. It is all sad..
This is all testimony against you and projection.
Your group used to hate this term, I am a sinner saved by grace. Now you embrace it but have changed its meaning.
A sinner is a person who has sinned sometime in their life. Saved by grace is the cross and forgiveness of past and present sins. Through knowing Gods transforming power we now walk in purity and righteousness.
I do not hold with EG's list and know my sins. He has tried to accuse me of sin, say extreme things, provoke and push me into anger, but the Lords love is greater still, Glory to His name. He claims our sins are to the sky, yet God clearly lays them out in our hearts and in the law. If it was so impossible to walk righteously, blamelessly why does Paul continually call Timothy to do exactly this. Why does Peter and John talk about a correct walk, yet if we fail we still find forgiveness in the Lord through confession.
There is one fantastic reality that is being expressed. Jesus's love is vast, overflowing, wonderful. But is is wonderful when it possesses our souls we are cleansed and purified. What time and again testifies to me is these people do not know this love, and their words continually call others lying, insulting, abusive when all they are saying is what people believe and what they have said. It is a sad testimony that those who claim such superiority in understanding of the Lord, condemn others to Hell, are so quick to confess they sin continually, fail to walk correctly and act as if this is to be expected in the believer who is mature in Christ.
This is not the fruits I expect from a Christ filled believer, rather a holy and pure walk, an example to others in words and action. But maybe this is too much to ask from believers who freely confess they walk in the flesh daily.