I never blank out the word of God with an idea to eliminate its value, but I do highlight it sometimes to stay loyal and emphasize its points. You speak to me with a tone (how dare you....), are you maintaining your health in the Lord emotionally? That lessened your authority with me, not heightened it if, honesty is on the table best served. It also hurt me emotionally. Now I'm a big boy so I'll survive, but it did have a dagger affect, also testified for the sake of honesty best served.
You said you understand my point, so let me ask you; do you believe that you should walk alongside Gooey then in love and let God use you? Staying in the attitude of love, focused not on the wickedness needing to be expunged but never leaving the being hidden in Christ appeal and power Christ needs to love her back on track? Staying in love with Gooey (not taken out of context)? For that matter loving me, as you are called out by God, and not on your own crusade on behalf of God, to correct me?
Not in a pretense of love but in an unconditional actuality? By the way, I also don't hold the things Gooey has said to be biblically sound either as I pointed out. But it is trifling to act in a demeanor outside of Christ's demeanor set in us to be God's representative and Ambassadors of His. To deliver a message of Christ and think of it to not have a tremendously harmful testimony if we corner our perpetrator and dish out Gods love in a bullet of correction and rebuke all the while celebrating the victory, not noticing the person walking away with a crushed Spirit; Is ludicrously harmful and not noting harmful issues within our own life. Now, if you know me, you would know I am all in favor of being completely loyal to the gospel, the mercy and the judgement; the Salvation and the glorification thru Sanctification. So, I am not talking about weakening Scripture to purpose another thing, I am talking about both being served as we let God have all of our parts, those we use daily and those we tend to hide under the rug.
As testimony to that I have already felt your bullet aimed at me (How dare you...) along with a sense, by your demeanor, that you are the one with the right answers inflating yourself with false confidence to disallow your own log of anger to be unnoticed and suppressed. Is there any truth to that? God needs us to recognize our spiritual health in all respects to His Word; emotions not withstanding.
To be His is to help people and not control them, or peer pressure them, that is Satan's tactic. I do not mean we are in anyway to live by emotions, I mean to note them honestly. Conviction, and delivery will be Gods therapy for us all in that, and I believe has a profound affect on many here who have been 1 year old Christians for many years. Not allowing God to grow them up. Letting the things unseen, by lack of intentionality, be what mostly affects what is seen in their lives. Using God to run from God. Ignoring the emotions of anger, along with others as well such as sadness, and fear. Dying to the wrong things, Denying the past's impact on the present, Compartmentalizing our lives into "Secular" Vs. "Sacred", doing for God instead of being with God, Spiritualizing away conflict, Covering up brokenness, weakness, and failure, Living without limits (both in the area of sin and righteousness), judging other peoples Spiritual Journey, all of which are needed for God to break down within us to become healthy, and wholly His, in our person.
Again, you mentioned you understood my point, yet something inflamed you to go on a godly hunt or crusade after me, ask God why? He'll tell you if you listen, ask, seek, and knock with all your heart. By the way, I meant in no way to suggest the Teaching and Rebuking and Correcting not also to be in the balance of our lives; being fully realized. So, that may help you to know more about me and my intentions, and there are indeed corrections,(possibly rebuke), to be made by God in relationship to the bibles authority and wholeness of message; that being that if we do anything yet not have love before it, also wrapped in it, we are but clanging cymbals and the truth is not in us. We must let God call us to those things in His timing and thus being ordained for His purposes to reconcile, not judge people so they can be reconciled with His demeanor fully our own, or we cannot be used by Him at all, wouldn't you agree?
So, if you find yourself saying one thing to people's face and then another behind their backs, or if you make promises you have no intentions of keeping, if you blame, or attack, or give people the silent treatment, (undefined in the wholeness scripture), or become sarcastic, or give in to someone because you are afraid of not being liked, or if you "Leak" out your anger by sending an e-mail containing a not-so-subtle criticism, or you tell only half the truth because you can't bear to hurt a friends feelings, or say yes when you mean no, or avoid, or withdrawal, and cut off people, (outside of proper Scriptural discernment); or you find an outside person with whom you can vent in order to ease your anxiety (instead of God), these things need to be addressed not hidden - we can find ourselves doing these things if we face the tension and mess of disagreements. But God wants us to know He is about not just our Church life but about our health at home, and at work, and in the office, and alone.