Presidente said: One of the major problems that has come along with feminism is disobedience to scripture in the area of marriage.
Disobedience to scripture in the area of marriage happened during patriarchy too. Feminism didn't create or cause disobedience in the area of marriage. Disobedience in the area of marriage existed under patriarchy long before the concept of feminism was fathomed or coined. There are countless examples of disobedience in the area of marriages that happened during patriarchy in the Bible and throughout history:
Malachi 2:16 tells us that the men in that patriarchal society were cruel to their wives, dealt treacherously with them and divorced them. That happened doing patriarchy - not feminism.
King David used his position and power to commit adultery with another man's wife and had that man killed during patriarchy. This caused a breakdown with in David's own family.
Judah had a reputation for visiting prostitutes. However, he was more than willing to have his pregnant daughter-in-law burned at the stake until He realized That he had fathered the twins she was carrying. Genesis 38:15.
Modern examples:
President Thomas Jefferson used his wife's black half sister - Sally Hemings -as a sex slave. It was not uncommon for men, slave owners, who were in charge of their homes during Antebellum slavery to keep sex slaves just like many of the patriarchs in the Bible.
Josh Duggar - A well-known patriarchy supporter - sexually molested his sisters when they were younger. His parents used their influence and resources to keep this hidden. As an adult, he used his power & resources to secretly cheat on his submissive wife with prostitutes.
Governor Bentley, a man who campaigned on traditional Family Values, is currently involved in a sex scandal. It's believed that he used Campaign and government funds to pay and entertain his mistress. Some lawmakers are seeking to impeach him.
The list of examples of the kind of Disobedience that has been committed under patriarchy is countless.
Presidente said: TV, the movies, and other media teach against the idea that a woman should submit to her husband.
Our role models can be found in scripture, and our ultimate role model is Christ. TV is for entertainment. It's a fantasy. A lot of people thought Heathcliff Huxtable was a positive role model. However, Now we are finding out that Bill Cosby's real life and real marriage is nothing like that of Heathcliff Huxtable. The same thing applies to Josh Duggar. The Bible never told us that we could or should find role models on TV.
I'm not defending feminism. A lot of sin has been and continues to be committed in the name of feminism. However, a lot of sin and Disobedience has been and continues to be committed under the banner of patriarchy. There are countless examples of that in the news - worldwide and local. I'm not defending feminism, but I am pointing out the pot calling the kettle black tactic of using feminism as a scapegoat, While completely ignoring the many sins and Disobedience committed under the banner of patriarchy. It's very reminiscent of the woman caught in adultery. The Patriarchs of that era had no problem with accusing the adulterous woman, but let the man go unpunished. It was impossible for her to commit adultery by herself. Modern-day patriarchy supporters don't mind metaphorically stoning feminism, but they are all too eager to let the sin & disobedience that has happened under the banner of patriarchy go without mention, notice or accountability, And that's hypocrisy.
Disobedience to scripture in the area of marriage happened during patriarchy too. Feminism didn't create or cause disobedience in the area of marriage. Disobedience in the area of marriage existed under patriarchy long before the concept of feminism was fathomed or coined. There are countless examples of disobedience in the area of marriages that happened during patriarchy in the Bible and throughout history:
Malachi 2:16 tells us that the men in that patriarchal society were cruel to their wives, dealt treacherously with them and divorced them. That happened doing patriarchy - not feminism.
King David used his position and power to commit adultery with another man's wife and had that man killed during patriarchy. This caused a breakdown with in David's own family.
Judah had a reputation for visiting prostitutes. However, he was more than willing to have his pregnant daughter-in-law burned at the stake until He realized That he had fathered the twins she was carrying. Genesis 38:15.
Modern examples:
President Thomas Jefferson used his wife's black half sister - Sally Hemings -as a sex slave. It was not uncommon for men, slave owners, who were in charge of their homes during Antebellum slavery to keep sex slaves just like many of the patriarchs in the Bible.
Josh Duggar - A well-known patriarchy supporter - sexually molested his sisters when they were younger. His parents used their influence and resources to keep this hidden. As an adult, he used his power & resources to secretly cheat on his submissive wife with prostitutes.
Governor Bentley, a man who campaigned on traditional Family Values, is currently involved in a sex scandal. It's believed that he used Campaign and government funds to pay and entertain his mistress. Some lawmakers are seeking to impeach him.
The list of examples of the kind of Disobedience that has been committed under patriarchy is countless.
Presidente said: TV, the movies, and other media teach against the idea that a woman should submit to her husband.
Our role models can be found in scripture, and our ultimate role model is Christ. TV is for entertainment. It's a fantasy. A lot of people thought Heathcliff Huxtable was a positive role model. However, Now we are finding out that Bill Cosby's real life and real marriage is nothing like that of Heathcliff Huxtable. The same thing applies to Josh Duggar. The Bible never told us that we could or should find role models on TV.
I'm not defending feminism. A lot of sin has been and continues to be committed in the name of feminism. However, a lot of sin and Disobedience has been and continues to be committed under the banner of patriarchy. There are countless examples of that in the news - worldwide and local. I'm not defending feminism, but I am pointing out the pot calling the kettle black tactic of using feminism as a scapegoat, While completely ignoring the many sins and Disobedience committed under the banner of patriarchy. It's very reminiscent of the woman caught in adultery. The Patriarchs of that era had no problem with accusing the adulterous woman, but let the man go unpunished. It was impossible for her to commit adultery by herself. Modern-day patriarchy supporters don't mind metaphorically stoning feminism, but they are all too eager to let the sin & disobedience that has happened under the banner of patriarchy go without mention, notice or accountability, And that's hypocrisy.