a) salvation stands in the perfect faith, sacrifice and mediatorship of Jesus Christ before the Father...It is Finished is a legal term and states paid in full..
b) Salvation and verb tense all state and point to an eternal position...a present continuing result from a past completed action...was saved when I believed, I am saved right now and I am continuing to be saved into the future...
c) It is the spirit that has been born again by GOD'S SEED THAT REMAINS IN HIM....THE SPIRIT is eternally saved, sealed, justified and sanctified in does NOT SIN, CANNOT SIN AND WILL NOT SIN BECAUSE IT IS BORN OF God's is housed temporarily in a fallen, dead body of sin that is corrupt, dead and can do nothing but sin....There is not a JUST MAN UPON THE EARTH THAT DOES GOOD AND SINS NOT...The SPIRIT IS INDEED WILLING, BUT THE FLESH IS WEAK!
d) We are in the Father,s hand, Christ's hand and sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.....which is the Earnest of our ETERNAL SALVATION.......!
A CHILD BY BIRTH will remain a child by birth regardless of what happens or does not happen...a saved child who lives rebellious will lose their reward, wander in the wilderness and pay the price for rebellion, but will never lose SONSHIP!