I don't know how many times we have to say this but I'll do it again. The gospel of the grace of Christ is not looking for ways to NOT obey Christ. That is false and NOT true in any context..eventually it will fall on good soil and produce fruit....so I will say it again with great joy....
Here is what the so-called falsely accused "lawless grace believers" believe for being obedient to the gospel of the grace of Christ is.
Believing in Christ's finished work is being obedient to the faith and following Christ by the Holy Spirit within us which He confirms through the scriptures.
This will manifest in doing good works which stem from His life in us bearing His fruit to a hurt and dying world as well as to our brethren.
From the life of Christ in us now we continue on to being obedient to follow the Holy Spirit in us as Christ's life is manifested in us as we get our minds renewed to the revelation of Christ in us.
First Christ's obedience comes first.
Romans 5:19 (NASB)
[SUP]19 [/SUP] For as through the one man's disobedience the many were made sinners, even so through the obedience of the One the many will be made righteous.
Romans 1:5 (KJV)
[SUP]5 [/SUP] By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for his name:
Romans 16:26 (KJV)
[SUP]26 [/SUP] But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith:
Acts 6:7 (KJV)
[SUP]7 [/SUP] And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith.
I don't know how much plainer one can be in order for these false accusations to come to a halt. I will trust in the Holy Spirit to reveal Jesus and all that He has done for us in this matter. God bless....
I reject the gog as it is preached, because it does not agree with Jesus Christ, I will always and forever REJECT anything that does not agree with Jesus Christ. I cant help that you cant see past pauls writings, the word makes that deal plain also. they are easily distorted, unto destruction. disobedience to Christ is destruction. obey is not an afterthought, you cant make nonsense Plain to me, you are wasting your time until you have a teaching that agrees with Jesus Christ. You will find nothing in Jesus gospel, that doesn't make obedience to His teachings the TOP PRIORITY in the Christian Life. but, you will find several warnings against not doing what He says. warning of destruction, hell, condemnation.
does Grace to you guys mean were just saved no matter what once we confess Jesus? does accepting grace mean there is no judgenment on us? does paul ever refer to the LAW of Christ? yeah he does, he makes a distinction between the Law of moses and the LAW of Jesus Christ. He states plainly, " I am under the Law of Christ" just after saying, I am not under law. the Law you guys are seeing in scripture when it says you aren't under it, is the mosaic Law. The Law of Christ is what He teaches, we are absolutely OBLIGATED to OBEY the Law of Christ.
will chriustians stand before Christ seat of Judgement and receive what is due them ACCORDING TO WHAT THEY HAVE DONE? yeah, grace doesn't nullify the righteous Judgements of God? what is our goal to be? 2 Corinthians 5:9-10 " so we make it our goal to please Him, whether we are at home with the body or away from it. FOR WE ALL MUSTAPPEAR BEFOIRE THE JUDGEMENT SEAT OF CHRIST, THAT EACH ONE MAY RECEIVE WHAT IS DUE HIM FOR THE THINGS DONE WHILE IN THE BODY, WHETHER GOOD OR BAD."
why why does He say " do you not realize we are runners in a race?...run as in a way to obtain the prize? why does he go on to describe His fight and struggle to subdue His body and make it obedient to Christ? you guys absolutely are not in line with the Gospel. if a person teaches, were saved no matter what its a lie of satan. if grace means no big deal what you do, just believe its a deception. if someone says "cant lose salvation." its a lie meant to kill gods beloved. if someone says don't FIX YOUR HEART ON OBEYING jesus, its not the Gispel. that is the whole Gospel, Jesus.
you are again not going to make sense to me until your "gospel" is in line with the only true Gospel that exists. anyone freely can learn this gospel. matthew mark luke John. you will be surprised what you learn according to the popular feel good doctrine. you will find a Lord that Loved you to death, and Gave you Life. that Life is His teachings. the thing you guys have preached constantly is not the gospel. your stuck on looking through a lens that is meant to spur you into action, enabling you by Faith to be obedient to Jesus.
I think maybe, you don't realize how your own words are seen from another perspective. the thing with my words. My words are saying, Jesus words are the way. I'm confident because His words are right. never will understand anything else. Paul knew this stuff, he taught it all through the new testament. as did John, james, jude, the writers of Hebrews. ect. theres no reason to be offended lol I'm not upset at anyone honestly. never will go backwards to where I was though, there is one treasure, one Life, one way, Jesus. to go "through" Jesus is to go through His word meant for us to do. all hope that you are able to work out your own salvation , but fear and trembling are useful until the truth manifests. Fear God even though He sent Grace, we are all more accountable than ever. that's the price of Grace. the horror endured By Gods only son, to forgive us and teach us righteousness. He has many warnings also about hearing and doing. doers of the word is the resounding message. so if your gospel has lead you to obedience to Christ, that should be a message you find no shame in. obey Jesus. simple message, true message for every single Christian. logic and circular reasoning, cant change it. I know ur beliefs, id ask you to think to yourself, Is the Lord my Lord?
in what Kingdom are the Kings orders, not acknowledged in reality? theres no nice way to say it to someone who is living for themself, Obey Jesus is the only salvation. to the one who has been reconciled, obedience is a beautiful hymn. and amen