Don't take them it's complete bs! They don't work and only alter your brain's natural chemistry and neurotransmitters to unhealthy/toxic levels. Most of the psychological meds have horrible side effects only intended to make the patient sleep, mentally numb/stupor and also toxify their body to kill them off faster....because they are deemed unwanted to society (the schizophrenics, mentally disabled etc). Big Pharma is a complete lie....if you are on antidepressants instead of getting a medical high (which is what most of these drugs do) trust God and ask for deliverance from depression, suicide etc....
This is not meant to offend/demean those who take these meds but you need to know that they don't even know the mechanism of action for 80-90% of the meds (aka how these drugs work) but they are on the market! Which is illegal, as any drug has to show proof of efficacy before being put on the market. They are intended to stupify your demeanor and kill your brain. They don't work and the side effects are intended to harm the liver and kidneys especially to kill those deemed mentally unstable off! These are the dirty little facts nobody wants to talk about......
U77. Thanks to society's degraded diets and the vaccines and environmental factors, there are people being born in these modern times with predispositions to various mental and physical health issues. The quality of men's sperm, and tissue quality of a woman's egg and womb are inferior to what they were probably just 50 or 60 or 70 years ago. It is a scientific fact that our DNA is getting weaker over time. Just google it and you'll see.
So what man has wrought man is now trying to fix. And it never works out just quite right. Because we can never come close to duplicating Gods infinite wisdom. The best we can do are meds, that in most cases poorly address the issues, and with side effects that are a disaster. But that's our best effort in the realm of conventional western medicine
So unfortunately some people actually do need their psychotropic drugs. They just can't function without them. Because their body chemistry is so screwed up, many times through no fault of theirs, from birth, and/or for a lot of them, the way they were raised, maybe abused, and/or neglected, they have to chose the lesser of the two bad choices. Trapped in a world they never made. So do they take these drugs that over time are going to mess them up physically, but allows them to function in daily life, or do they not take them, and while they may be physically fine, are all over the place emotionally psychologically.
Hard choices. I think many of them realize they have caught between a rock and a hard med. Some don't, that's true, but many can feel what is going on in their bodies and minds. They understand that while the drug as given them life in a functional way, they are not always "themselves" when they take them.
I would not want to be in this place that they are in. It is like a prison without the four concrete walls. No real ideal alternative...
...Except, maybe, sometimes, with some of them...
This leads to the second part of my post, where you and I see more eye to eye.
People with these issues, I have said it time and again, you have also Ult77, need to alter their lifestyles as best as they can. Sometimes it can take a Herculean effort, but they should, for their sake's, as well as for the sake's of their loves ones, change their diets, and also avail themselves to pray more. Of course I am generalizing, I never did a poll on how much do people who take psychotropic drugs pray.
I have had some of them as clients though, and I can say that those who changed their diets and prayed, as opposed to those who didn't, or who took only half steps, have been able to sometimes lower their dosages, and generally seemed to be doing better in their life circumstances.
i know of some, not many, but some, people who have been able to cease taking their drugs when they altered their lifestyle and put their faith in God and prayed.
We all all unique, so everyone of us, while having the same general chemistry, and elctro magnetic and vibrational make up we can and sometimes do respond differently to different sets of stimuli. The wild card in this may be the spiritual component. I don't know exactly how it works, I don't think science will ever be able to quantify that. But it is a factor.
Our struggle also is sometimes with things unseen.
So anyone faced with such complications in their lives should never under estimate the power of Gods design for us in the way of lifestyle choices, and the the power of the Spirit He has endowed us each with, and of course the power of prayer.
They are mighty forces. And can avail much.