i understand what u are saying shanay,when u said that u often run back into the see to end up doing what God wants, how come u have not done anything about it,i don`t understand y u like to see yourself into such a sea o chaos,which put u in a position to completely surrender to the lord,is it something that u want that makes u act like Jonah sometimes,because Jonah told y he did not want to go and prophesy to that city,have u asked yourself if there is anything that u like about the way God works.i think there is something that push to act this way.and about my writting i apologize,that unfurtunally i don`t writte inglish pretty well,i wish i could, so i could express my thoughts with the right words,but even if i could speack perfect inglish,i don`t think we speak the same lenguage, logical for me is not.is all just a need because i`m on earth,and God tell us to obey the rules of this earth,because it is written you live in the world,but u are not from the world. why do u think Paul says,for now we see in a mirror,dimly,but then face to face,now i know in part,but then i shall know just as i also am known.Is not the same,just to see a cake and say after u look at it,i belief that it is got to be good,than litterally taste the cake and say it does taste good.this is just a parable peaple out there testify yeah this cake taste good and they have never taste it,the thing here is not only to take a look at the cake and go out there and say it taste good just because,someone told u,it does,is got to be u who taste it and than give testimony of that.that is why some people give testimony,of what other people have experience and learn from them,but that does not count,is like saying a soldier that never went to war got medal of honor just by listening to what other said and he claims that he deserve it because he knows what happen in war with out going to war.the point of u to hear things, is that u wish those things and such experiences in christ to become true.there is a big difference between faith and knowing.