Quite honestly there is nothing evil or wrong with science by it's definition. The problem is in those who practice it. Everyone grows into their lens of viewing reality and the creation. This lens is created according to the things your parental figures have taught you, your teachers, friends, etc during the development stages of your life. Humans have a tendency to only see what they want to see because of this lens. For example, a scientist who grows up an atheist won't take any evidence that suggests a creator seriously, and therefore will never do any worthwhile experiments that test this theory, while most Christians are either afraid to(if insecure in their faith) or don't feel it a worth their time to study things that seem to support evolution.
Science in it's purest unbiased form(without humans involved), shows you an orderly Universe, where every natural law works in conjunction with one another to give everything form, energy, mobility, and structure. Truly objective scientific study will lead you to the conclusion, at the very least, there must be an intelligent designer. Einstein actually didn't want his theory of general relativity to be true, because it indicated that the Universe had a beginning. Scientists long held to the view that the Universe had no beginning and will never end. But Einsteins theory of relativity proved this wrong. This is something that Einstein didn't want to be true and he made no further efforts to prove his theory. But when it was proven by another scientist in Europe, that he shared his work with, Einstein conceded that this evidence couldn't be explained away. This caused quite an uproar in the scientific community when they discovered this. The person who proved it to be true didn't even want it to be true, but was objective enough to acknowledge that he couldn't explain it away.
Of course we know now that scientists have tried to explain this with the Big Bang theory. Again it is people looking for evidence to support what they want to be true. But science in it's purest form will only give you greater revelation in what is really said in Romans 1:20.