The women in that video all sounded like they had been coached, before arriving at their protest. The replies were all too similar to be coincidence. They have been taught how to reply to this question, and probably others, to create the least "damage" to their cause.
It makes me sick this abortion rhetoric. Especially the man whose wife had two abortions like she returned a piece of clothing that didn't fit to the store. "Rights" of women! Yet not one came to grips with the reality that a "fetus" is a baby - anytime, but especially after 5 months, when babies have been born and survived.
I would have asked them "What do you do with aborted babies who are born alive?" Kill them or help them live? Because there are people alive today who survived a late term abortion. I wish I could have been there, and showed a video of an ultrasound of a late term baby. Do none of these women know anything about physiology? Just horrifying that people like this are out there, fighting against the rights of pre-born children.