You did not answer the question.
Are you claimng to be sinless or not?
Your claim against grace believers is we do not believe we can be sinless and walk with god. So are you sinless? or not?
EG - no-one can say they are sinless, but they can say they walk in righteousness
and purity. It is only God who can judge about sin.
You seem not to be able to understand the difference between a walk and fellowship
and arrogance of claiming status upon oneself.
I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself.
1 Cor 4:3
You stand condemned yourself as you judge yourself a sinner daily, hourly, and yet do not repent
or confess or get yourself right with God, because you regard it as already forgiven.
But what you read Paul saying is he is holy and blameless.
Now if you cannot see the contrast you are truly lost, which our interactions over the months
has convinced me of. How a hypocrite thinks he can bring anyone down is beyond me.
It is just a laughing stock. Truly your faith is just a crutch to your life, you have no victory,
or reality, you spend your days in self condemnation and have no joy in your salvation, but
continual fear. And you think you can bring me down with the failure you live. Even satan
cannot bring down the people of God, so who are you to even try?