Part 7 speaks about murders related to satanically inspired music. I'm ready to throw up...
Yeah...I grew up with this stuff from birth since I had all brothers, the older one a little over 10 years ahead of me. I remember ACDC and heavy metal playing around me all the time like elevator music. It is the fault of parents that allow their children to watch this stuff, and for adults who do not explain the effect it has on kids. A lot of parents just want to be cool or think its no big deal and say- oh no...that is silly to think its satanic..its just a phase. Most of the time they don't want to have conflicts with their kids and just let them have what they want. Parents are even so sick that they would allow their kids to watch pornography and horror films, and justify it as a way to get it out of their system. First of all, that is really sick. Any parent who will actually allow a minor to watch pornography is nuts. And any parent who says...horror is no biggy it is not real anyway, is totally in denial. Thoughts and imagination are very real in the minds of people.. they occur and they are messages that there physiological and psychological response to..often created by environmental factors which contribute to mental illness. The fact that these parents think they are "cool" by having their daughter represent lady gaga on stage makes me want to throw them in the mosh pit.
I have worked with many children, including kids in special ed. Teaching both regular ed and special ed, I have read IEP's and see the family lifestyle of many of them. Often times where ED (emotional disturbance) is present in children, the environmental factors are the main contributor. I remember having one girl in a classroom (kindergarten) really out of control with emotional out bursts. Frequently out of her body with an in and out self identity. Now I realize kindergartners can be very immature and a lot of behavior would be considered normal for their stage of life--- this concept of "normal" can change based on the shift of culture btw...but this girl mentioned how she likes to watch lady gaga and stays up late. - She usually is sent to the office daily for her behavior. Offices now just tell teachers to keep kids in the class because there are too many kids coming in. Often, unless it is so severe where there is a violent action, they discourage teachers from bringing them to the office. Special education requirements seem to very at schools, but often when a child has an IEP, you can't necessarily suspend them the way you would a "normal" child. It is sad that they become this way because of their home really is unfair that the rest of the children have to tolerate the effects of the home life from another family.- this does radiate from the kids. If parents think teachers can't see what is going on at home.. they are WRONG. We see everything and kids talk a lot more than people think. The only way to change this is to stop influencing kids. That also means stop the influence that comes to the adult's mind as well.