And they returned, and prepared spices and ointments; and rested the sabbath day according to the commandment.
Luke 23:56 (KJV)
These are believers who actually heard Yeshua's teachings in person. Yet, they still observed the commandment. Did Yeshua forget to tell them that all days are alike?
Luke 23:56 (KJV)
These are believers who actually heard Yeshua's teachings in person. Yet, they still observed the commandment. Did Yeshua forget to tell them that all days are alike?
the only thing we have is our faith in the cross of Christ and nothing else, our righteousness is a filthy rag.
Can you see how the priest profaned the Sabbath? Look at Romans 14. Then look at the gospels how the pharisees tried to trap Jesus for performing works on the Sabbath. Who works more on Sunday's or Saturday's than the preacher?