My husband and I have been together for 12 years and have been married for 10 years. All throughout our marriage, he has struggled with addictions dealing with drugs, alcohol and pornography. We have spoken to several counselors and all have stated that he has an impulsive behavior. He isn't really addicted to these things, but he doesn't think of the consequences when this happens. I've separated from him a couple times with the kids about 6 years ago, but no more than a month at the latest. I always felt a pull back to him like God wanted me there. He has been good the past 6+ months, but unfortunately things have been going downhill the past couple weeks and I noticed he has been looking at porn again. Usually he does view it when he is stressed, but I'm to the point now to where...looking back the past 12 years....I see hardly any sign of him truly loving me and doing things for me. There was a point about 4 years ago to where we were thinking about divorcing b/c he stated...after I asked him to be honest....that he doesn't think he has really been in love with me. That he doesn't know how to be in love with someone bc he never has. Obviously, that hurt!! We spoke with friends and counselors afterwards and tried to make it work, but from being in the same situation again, I don't think he ever found that love to give me. He is a great man and I love him with all my heart, but I need to know what would be the best decision for us as a couple and as individuals. I never want our girls to experience a divorce b/c they truly love us deeply. My husband and I get along great, but we seem more like best friends than husband and wife. Any advice would be great?