You're sentiments towards Sanders are something you're entitled to and were very apparent even before this post.
You don't like him ideologically. You don't like him as a person. You don't like what he did from birth to age 40... he was "lazy" and didn't want to get off his butt... I disagree. He went out to fight for civil rights. He was arrested for his convictions and refusal to give in to the social norms of his day. In his early 30's, he ran for governor and for the senate as a 3rd party candidate (to which he lost). Getting a consistent paycheck isn't the only means to measure one's contribution and impact in society. Jesus didn't start his ministry until his 30s and I'm uncertain if he ever had a consistent paycheck. I'm not saying Bernie Sanders is Jesus or that Sanders' work was as important as Jesus, however I do believe historical figures had other missions, perhaps God-given, that are/were more important than the amount of money they make. Even if you disagree with this, certainly you can acknowledge Sanders was a bit ambitious in his 20's and 30's by trying to be governor/senator as an independent. If he was lazy, he wouldn't have wanted to make a difference.
By the way, it's comical you say Trump never asked for a handout... Well, when your dad gives you a "small" loan of a million dollars, that means you never have to ask anyone else for anything...
Kim, with all due respect I will say Sanders is no social warrior as he portrays himself....he uses groups to his advantage like every other politician....this election cycle it was the millenials with the absolutely horrendous promise of free education...which means I'll give you a "free education" today but once your out of college I'm going to tax you till you can't breathe....which is a lose-lose because you're just being promised garbage like obama did where he says free which really means not free but crazy tax rates and slamming you with the big bill at the end....
I will applaud sanders for being anti-corporations but I also am very skeptical that it was a sham to attract middle income/class workers to vote for him by being their "social messiah" for justice against the man (in this case corporations).
Trump was running businesses well before age 40....not much can be said about mr. b.s. other than writing some pay the bills...
I wouldn't bash sanders for endorsing HC if they had similar views but it's how the democrat lackey system scratch each other's backs....but to endorse her after being the total anti-hillary shows a lack of character/standing by principles. It's being a snake oil salesman of selling something different than what you really have.....
There is nothing free about healthcare...., education....welfare.....all are called "free" but are paid by heavy taxation....
Sanders would have been OBama version 1.5 with Clinton being the full blown version 2.0.
One nut is down the other is still on the loose.....hopefully she loses big time.....America can't stand another obama otherwise it will erode what's left of a tired/battered country under Obama.