There is no male or female in christ. We can all operate and function in all roles. Depending on the call of God, and His purpose, to reveal His Glory. Practically, the mother is the nurturing role, the father is where children find their indentity, so this needs to be taken into account, but God is able to father a fatherless child or nuture them, by the Spirit or through male or female. The Church is the last institution on Earth to free woman to be who God has called them to be, we have woman in every office and position in the world but in the Church we are still behind, not permitting the to speak or rule with any authority. We will all rule with Christ - male and female sons, not just the males, while the females serve us and remain quiet. I thank God for my mother, our father was absent even when he was around, and i gained alot of strength from her. She taught me the word of God, not my father, she was the one that remained faithful to God. I love my dad too, he just didnt know how to love or to get healed. Thats ok, it just gives more room in me for God to redeem to His glory. I believe instruction can come through a woman in the family just as much as it can through a man, and if we take the staunch chauvinistic approach we can miss out on what God has for us. Let woman lead, let men lead, let children lead, but let God lead." Im the head of this household!" well then prove it. Love your wife, teach you children the
ways of God, and if you dont have it, admit it and let the one that does step forward and be humble enough to accept that God is just as strong a leader, Apostle, Teacher, Evangelist, or Pastor in your wife as He is in You.

Then watch all heaven break loose. God wont bless dishonour.