I'm 23 but some random people thought I was 15! My teenager cousins look older than me. When I'm with my mom and we bump into her friends, their comment would be like "you've grown now!" (In my country, that kind of compliment usually said to a child who just hit puberty). Even in the job interviews, they gave me a strange look. I tried to dress my age but it seems like I'm a little girl rushing to look like an adult. I just laugh it off but when I keep hearing it over and over again, it's annoying. well, I don't have a choice but to embrace it. Besides, people say i'll appreciate it in my 30's.

Does anyone feel the same way?
Well, all my family has a history of looking younger than we are, so I just assumed I did too until just the last few months, when two incidents happened that are making me wonder...
An elderly lady asked my how old I was, and when I told her I was 17 she said, "oh MY! How old are your twin brothers, I thought they were working? How old do you have to be to get a job?"
Me: "uh, they're 21 so yeah, four years older than I am."
Lady "OH! They look so much YOUNGER than you!!"
Incident #2
We had house guests over, and as I am from a rather large family, the house guests (who had never met us before) had rather a hard time keeping us all in order. Well and good. I have never had an problem answering to my sister's names. But when age order got introduced, things got a bit sticky.
Mrs. House-Guest "So...I'm still trying to figure out ages," (Turns to my oldest sister, age 36) "you're the oldest your mom said, right?"
Oldest Sister: *smiles and nods*
Mrs House-Guest turns to me: "And you're second?"
(That would put me at 33...

However, I've also had people SHOCKED that I was as old as I was ("I thought you were 12 or something!" is a common phrase...) so I've concluded people just aren't very observant.