You're an awesome young lady Temporary Circumstances. It's so hard for me to understand your Moms problem with you going to church. My Mom would've been like, you better go and pray for a better attitude, lol.
When my Dad decided I had to go to Catholic CCD classes I had to have my first Holy Communion and you had to have your first confession with a Priest. I was I think 8 or 9 and I didn't know what to say. So they sit me in the box and it's dark and creepy and I can see the Priests face through the screen thing and you have to say, Forgive me Father for I have sinned, it's been however long, since my last confession. I wanted to get out of that box, so I just made stuff up. Every week I had to go into the box and say, Forgive me Father for I have sinned, it's been a week since my last confession. Then I'd say you know the dumb stuff eight year old's do, Um I didn't clean my room, I yelled at my Brother, then every week was and I lied in my last confession. Then they'd tell you what prayers to say and how many times to say it. I knew the Lords Prayer but I could never remember the Hail Mary so I'd just mumble stuff that kind of sounded like Mary and Grace, and sometimes we'd have to pray the Rosary and that took a long time.
I got so much out of the experience, lol.