One thing that saddens me about the level of thinking on this forum is the desperate seizing on every single word anyone utters.
Back in 1928, Herbert Hoover promised something. Most of you will only remember it, if you remember your history classes at all, as "A chicken in every pot." But, he actually promised more. He went further in that same promise (It was actually written out, published, and distributed.), and also promised "a car in every garage."
Do you honestly think that happened? Or that any thinking person thought it was going to happen? Of course not. But what he meant, and what he delivered on, was the financial opportunity and ability for every single American willing to accept a job, and who was willing to work for it, the chance to make enough to save some money, and truly eat well all the time, and even buy a car if they wanted to.
It is no different today. We have to think, and be willing to do our part, in order to have what any politician promises. Instead, we biotch because someone said he would make us happy, and we decided not to be happy, no matter what. So, it's his fault for lying to us. Many of us really ARE that stupid.