Where did you get the idea that Trump was secretly elected to office years ago and has been sneaking around behind our backs letting all these illegal immigrants you complain about come to this country?
He wants to straighten out the mess you Dims (and a lot of Reps) have made. But, you can't see that. You just want to complain. As long as the free teat is richly flowing with things provided by others, you look the other way, and only gripe if a good man like Trump wants to change things.
You really don't even seem to know what you want..... other than to gripe. Trump felt strongly about deportation, and honestly said so. You guys attacked him. He has been listening to "the people" and is trying to see if there is a way to work with some good immigrants living here.... and what do you do? You attack again, saying he should not reconsider his original stance.
He is NOT Obama.... he actually LISTENS to people, and will think and consider views other than his own. And try to work with all people.
But that is not good enough for you. Why? Probably because he is not promising a free ride to anyone.
You people complained he wasn't going to Black venues. So, he listened, and said "I will come to your neioghborhoods." He did that the other day.
What did you do? First of all the Blacks complaining refused to show up... and then one of you make a post ridiculing a poor turn out..... when it was the very people complaining that he didn't come to their communities who stayed away. I doubt they were ever serious that they wanted to have him show an interest in them. They just wanted to gripe and complain as usual.
He wants to straighten out the mess you Dims (and a lot of Reps) have made. But, you can't see that. You just want to complain. As long as the free teat is richly flowing with things provided by others, you look the other way, and only gripe if a good man like Trump wants to change things.
You really don't even seem to know what you want..... other than to gripe. Trump felt strongly about deportation, and honestly said so. You guys attacked him. He has been listening to "the people" and is trying to see if there is a way to work with some good immigrants living here.... and what do you do? You attack again, saying he should not reconsider his original stance.
He is NOT Obama.... he actually LISTENS to people, and will think and consider views other than his own. And try to work with all people.
But that is not good enough for you. Why? Probably because he is not promising a free ride to anyone.
You people complained he wasn't going to Black venues. So, he listened, and said "I will come to your neioghborhoods." He did that the other day.
What did you do? First of all the Blacks complaining refused to show up... and then one of you make a post ridiculing a poor turn out..... when it was the very people complaining that he didn't come to their communities who stayed away. I doubt they were ever serious that they wanted to have him show an interest in them. They just wanted to gripe and complain as usual.