Facts have to be faced. Logic doesn't register with everyone. For instance:
Middle class Whites know Trump will piss off many leaders of other nations. And the result will be that we will have to tighten our belts here in the USA for a few years. But, we will remain the USA, and we will rebuild the mess we now live in... although the cost IS going to be some continued wars with those who want to take us down.
Rich people don't want a thing to do with Trump. They have made a very comfortable bed with the Dims, and don't want it disturbed.
Politicians disdain the thought that Trump wants to return government to the people. They have been making themselves rich off our taxes, and don't want that to stop.
Blacks know that Hillary is going to continue to lead us down the path of decline and ruin. But, they don't care. Most of them seem to only live for today, and what they can get for free, right now.
College students only seem to want free education, and their debts cancelled. I honestly don't think they realize there may not be any jobs left to work at when they do get that education.
Hispanics also don't really care about the country. They simply like the good thing we have prepared for them here, and it doesn't seem to matter to them that others won't have to earn a place here, as they did, just as long as their old neighbors and families get to somehow come here and also enjoy what we worked to provide them.