I always find people who use "alternate" or "embellished versions of themselves" interesting because:
1. They never use ugly pictures. Only THE most beautiful and, quite frankly, unrealistically perfect pictures will do. I've gotten to a point where I never trust a picture that looks too "model-ish" or "professional". Ironically, when I've complimented people on such pictures, they'll usually say something like, "Oh, my sister/uncle/3rd cousin, twice removed, is a photographer... and can make anyone look like a model..." Um... Sure.
People with pictures that perfect always become popular, whether they claim to be in a relationship or not, and eventually word will get out that they're not really the person in that picture.
2. They never tell people they're unemployed or homeless or even have a regular job. Nope. They always allude to some kind of exotic job/lifestyle/situation that hints at being very well-off and/or having a career that's off the charts... and usually, doesn't exist.
Everything. Is. Geared. Towards. Getting. Attention.
Frankly, I'm a lot less suspicious of people with normal-looking pictures and normal-sounding lives.
What makes me cautious about people who "fudge" "a few" things about themselves if that you don't know how much else they're willing to fudge.
Not long ago, we had "someone" posing as a woman under several different "female" accounts, ranging in ages from about 18 to around 50. This "woman" also used exceptionally beautiful/exotic avatar pictures, including one that hinted at a very prestigious career.
Whoever this person was, one of the things they were doing in their time here was trying to lure young teens into online relationships. Who knows who this person really was... A man? A woman? A senior adult with an eye for teens? Thankfully, I'm told the mods handled this swiftly and with a great amount of care and sensitivity.
I'm certainly NOT implying that you're a bad person or like this in any way, Leon, but I think you can understand why it's important to maintain an internet presence that's at least honest, even if you feel you have to limit what you say.
I'd rather have a small amount of honesty than a whole heap of lies any day of the week.