Well when you come here with loaded questions and then get nasty when someone says "the Bible says...." Ya,you're probably not going to feel the love. Most of them aren't coming for answers they are coming because they want others to say God is ok with their sin. And if saying what the Bible says makes me unloving, I dont know what to do but share the truth.
I agree to a point, and for the record agree with much of what you write on CC in general, but I have come to learn that throwing scripture at people than don't take the Bible as authoritative is nearly pointless to that person. Now it may help the next guy reading through, but I have been coming to find that a much more personal and caring response works so much better for that person. Please understand my view that we are each called to serve in the way that best brings glory to His name, so I am not "correcting" you or trying to "teach" a thing, everyone need to serve how He calls them too, and I just wanted to share what He has been revealing to me too.
Remember that guy Iamstuck that came on here with questions and then did the same type thing, left because no love either? Well I actually messaged him and we now talk nearly every day, and I do feel God working big things in him as well. I pray every day that it is his "Day" that God transforms him as He did me 3 years ago. I noticed this a while ago but want to say it now, I think one of the biggest problems on CC is that people don't ask enough questions, we all want to teach each other so bad we forget to ever learn anything about each other. We can only learn by asking question's.
Now I can't exactly throw down something like that without asking you a question can I? I also won't ask without also giving up something about myself too. I am 36 with a wife and 2 boys 13 and 7. That's them all in my avatar pic.
So, how long have you been saved? I said up there, but I was saved 3 years ago on 9-29-13.