i love NPR. no commercials, publicly funded, able to devote hours upon hours to deep coverage of news instead of doing the whole bumper-sticker-length sound byte thing networks do, spending tons of cash on eye candy and having to break every few minutes for soap and car commercials.
the right wing tried pretty hard to shut it down a few years back and started a lot of talk about them being left-leaning, but i think they're actually among the most balanced and fair of all the news outlets, at least, 'all things considered' is relatively unbiased, and local stations carry shows requested and paid for by local subscribers. because that's the model, shows carried in your area tend to reflect the ideology of the people that actually support the station. maybe people with a more left-leaning opinion are more likely to contribute to the station?
where i used to live, there were more sort of 'liberal' shows on-air -- actually more 'libertarian' or independent shows, certainly not DNC shills. but the 'right' calls anything that's not equally 'right' a 'liberal' outlet. i've moved south, deeper into the Bible belt, and the local station doesn't carry any shows like that. it actually carries far less news and commentary at all, and the one or two it does are much more right-leaning. the station down here seems to have comparatively very little local support, actually, and almot no news/commentary shows at all beyond the bare minimum. people down here aren't very 'engaged' with that sort of thing, or, i guess, they are completely satisfied with FOX and a few extreme-right radio broadcasts that feel like they are, coincidentally, about 60% advertisement and the rest in no uncertain terms far, far right. there's really no 'balance' to the radio news around here at all.