So I am dealing with some major problems. First off my view of God is becoming more and more negative because of one major issue that I do not understand. If God is really a loving God why does He condemn homosexuals and everyone in the LGBT. Let me explain what has brought me to this point. So for several years I have been struggling with who i am as a person. I do not believe I'm good enough, never felt as though I measured up. Also along with this I've been dealing with issues relating to my gender. I've never been a normal boy and for several years have struggled with my gender. I try very hard to drown it out by gaming (we are talking obsessively). However recently I can no longer push it aside and I feel alot of times that I want to be female. However according to what I was taught transgenders go to hell. How can God be loving if
#1 He condemns people for a tendency which they can only partially help
#2 He gives someone something this hard to deal with, something that makes people even suicide over it. How come we must deal with arguably one of the worst issues. God is supposed to be a just God, why then did He allow this to happen to us. Why were we the "special" ones.
I have a friend who is lesbian and I've talked with her and she has never been attracted to boys. I do not believe any more that being gay/lesbian/trans is fully a choice. It may be an ultimate choice in the final decision but the tendency and feelings are in no way a choice.
So my question is how can God be looked at as merciful and loving if He condemns people like this. Also I'm sorry but Christians completely downplay this whole issue. I firmly believe until you have gone through this same problem you do not fully understand the amount of pain, stress, guilt, tension and war that goes on inside us every day. They say "oh it's a choice it can be helped" "just ask for forgiveness". Are you kidding me?! What kind of advice is that for someone who has cut over this issue (yes I've cut a few times over this). I mean comon it's easy for you to say, but if you were me you would see it in a different light. Please you need to understand this is a MAJOR problem, not something made up or something easily fixed.
I'm sorry if any of this is a bit controversial. Please all I ask is that everyone try to be nice and understanding in the comments. I'm worried I'm at a crossroads and one of three scenarios will play out.
#1 I will accept myself as a guy and stay a Christian
#2 I will accept myself as trans and stay a Christian and find love from God even though I'm different.
#3 I will accept myself as trans and reject God because of His condemnation of those like me.
Please I really need some help here I'm scared and this whole thing is making me really emotional. I do not know how much longer I can deal with this.
#1 He condemns people for a tendency which they can only partially help
#2 He gives someone something this hard to deal with, something that makes people even suicide over it. How come we must deal with arguably one of the worst issues. God is supposed to be a just God, why then did He allow this to happen to us. Why were we the "special" ones.
I have a friend who is lesbian and I've talked with her and she has never been attracted to boys. I do not believe any more that being gay/lesbian/trans is fully a choice. It may be an ultimate choice in the final decision but the tendency and feelings are in no way a choice.
So my question is how can God be looked at as merciful and loving if He condemns people like this. Also I'm sorry but Christians completely downplay this whole issue. I firmly believe until you have gone through this same problem you do not fully understand the amount of pain, stress, guilt, tension and war that goes on inside us every day. They say "oh it's a choice it can be helped" "just ask for forgiveness". Are you kidding me?! What kind of advice is that for someone who has cut over this issue (yes I've cut a few times over this). I mean comon it's easy for you to say, but if you were me you would see it in a different light. Please you need to understand this is a MAJOR problem, not something made up or something easily fixed.
I'm sorry if any of this is a bit controversial. Please all I ask is that everyone try to be nice and understanding in the comments. I'm worried I'm at a crossroads and one of three scenarios will play out.
#1 I will accept myself as a guy and stay a Christian
#2 I will accept myself as trans and stay a Christian and find love from God even though I'm different.
#3 I will accept myself as trans and reject God because of His condemnation of those like me.
Please I really need some help here I'm scared and this whole thing is making me really emotional. I do not know how much longer I can deal with this.