I'm not disregarding Scripture. Quality Christian counselling should be an additional approach to what the Bible explicitly mentions, not the main thing. Also, I don't know where you live, but I live in Australia and it's not as Christian as it used to be, that's for sure. And yet, I've had no trouble finding a few quality Christian counsellors just within a short driving distance of me. Did they break out the Bible and do a word study or something? No, but they brought their Christian worldview into their practice and looked at issues etc. from a biblical perspective and we sometimes discussed helpful verses, favourite books of the Bible and relevant Christian authors. We even prayed at the beginning and at the end of the sessions (at my request) and they were totally cool with that and seemed appreciative. It's easy if you do your research. Finding a quality Christian counsellor that is a good match for you is more difficult, though.
By the way, it works both ways. I've heard of real horror stories where pastors have counselled married couples. It's not the pastor that's the problem. The problem is finding a good pastor who can speak life into your marriage and isn't just a Yes man trying to get you both to 'make nice'. Just a thought.