Hi! I am new to CC. I've been married for almost 4 years. We've been together for 5. We have a 16month old baby that I prayed for my whole life! But my husband is an addict. Prescription pain pills are his favorite??? I guess would be the way to put it. I don't want to just say what he's addicted to because he's addicted to anything that makes him feel different. Not long after we got married he lost his job and from that time on it was keep a job for a month or two and have some ridiculous story about why him getting fired or leaving the job wasn't his fault. The pain pills started not long after we were married also. Looking back now I see how soon it started, but didn't notice it when it did. He would steal money from my checking account to support it and lie, lie, lie! He has become the biggest liar I know. Anyway over the years things got worse and worse. He would get better for a little bit then go right back to his same ole ways. We got pregnant and had a miscarriage. He started to clean up yet again and then a few months later we were pregnant again with the baby we now have. I saw him try and fail a lot while I was pregnant. Then our baby came a month early. Shocked us both!!! After the baby was here my husband got worse and worse and worse. He went to a detox center and a rehab, he didn't stay in the rehab long. I gave him a year to get himself together, to just really try! Well at the end of July I left him. I moved in with my dad and my mental state for sure has been much better! I haven't filed for a divorce and I bring our son to him at his parents one day a week. He gets him the whole day and it gives my son time with his grandparents. I haven't seen any changes. Oh he tells me how much he's changes all the time, but my husband is full of words and very little actions. I just feel lost some days. I pray and pray for God's will. I want my marriage, but I want it with the man I married. I want is to be a family. We tried for several years to get pregnant and now I am raising our son by myself because of his addiction. I honestly think he doesn't want to change. He still lies and lies about things and comes up with the most outrageous stories. I guess I just wanted someone to share with. Sometimes I think it's too much talking to our families about it because it worries and puts stress on them.