So one of the many side jobs I have is as a rehearsal accompanist for a local community choir. I am also accompanying the voice recitals of two of its members. Last week, one such member talked about rehearsing and we made VERY tentative plans about Monday, and he was to message me and I would confirm.
Fast forward to today, where I am dealing with talking to my apt. manager about a leak in my lower bathroom, had a busy day from my "real" job and was looking forward to only teaching a piano lesson to this one adorable kid, doing laundry, and baking a cake for my kinda-sorta-girlfriend, because...
a) she is kind of upset because our job didn't do the cake thing for her when she quit like they do other folks.
b) she likes carrot cake and I accidentally bought an overabundance of carrots when I made soup a few days ago.
The lesson is at 6:00, and I'm thinking an hour or so earlier that I could whip up the batter, have the cake baking while I am teaching, have the laundry in the dryer during the lesson....when at 5:00, this choir person is knocking at my door. He had emailed me to confirm and I hadn't responded (his story), so naturally, I am thinking that I had dropped the big communication ball somewhere and am quite apologetic, and manage to fit him in for 45 minutes. I'm having to sight-read the stuff and feeling very unprofessional because I wasn't as prepared as I like to be.
It turns out that he had got my email from another, who wrote it down wrong, so I never received his email. After he left and I got to thinking about things, it seems strange that he would come anyway without me confirming. So now the cake is postponed a day, but my other stuff is done...Should I have said, "sorry" dude! and sent him packing? What would have been professional?