Ive seen a video of Trump saying that he supported abortion years ago.
But that was then, at the moment he is saying that he does not support it. And I believe that he will not push for it, as he promised his voting base that he wouldnt.
I do not hold the belief that he has had a change of heart and is a new man, but that he is doing what he thinks he needs to do to be president. But the good news, I dont believe hes doing it so he can make abortion free for everyone. I believe that when he said he supported it years ago, he said what he thought he needed to.
I dont believe that Trump has a strong opinion either way, and is really mostly worried about bringing business back to the US. And thats a good thing, because he wont spend his time in office pushing for terrible things, like Hilary would.
And thats why I support Trump, I think hes the better bet between the two. One really seems to care only about economic issues and will go along with what I want because I voted for him. Hilary wants to do things Im very much against. So Trump has my vote.
Yup theyre both bad when you break it down, but Im not voting for Most Righteous American 2016 : p This is what voting is, who do you think is the better choice? Its always a bet, everytime.