Said every country who has contemplated invading us ever.
Yeah 9-11 proved your thought so well....
I live in a very rural area and every small little country church is full of the Godly saints armed tot eh the teeth...listen at the Sunday picnics about how the bad guys can have their weapons when they pry them from their dead cold hands......I'll shoot em all up if they come on my land, they say....A drone the size of a Frisbee flies over the house of those identified as problem is fitted with a vial of synthetic simtex explosive, goes down the chimney or hits the front door and reduces the problem to an ash heap....
We are never going to be "invaded"....we have been "infiltrated" for decades....the sleepers in this country are just is the thing, its not terrorist orgs, or the Russians, is the foot army of the Oligarchy that is forming the rise of the Beast....and the 10 kingdoms...
The collapse of the USA would happen without a weapon being will be economic first....resistance will be futile...yeah you may squeeze of fa few shots before the drones take you wont be able to hide....they will find you...
The Red Dawn scenario is great movies but not in real life....the tech they have will end you and your little band of merry men before you could even pull the trigger...
We have drones now the size of humming birds that can be fitted with a bio-warfare bug that could take out counties/city blocks at a time....
oh and never ever underestimate the power that selfishness, greed, fear, hopelessness, despair, starvation have on the human psyche.....
Not to mention those with nothing to lose and everything to gain and have no conscience....