Oh you are definitely not crazy or any of those other things. I believe life begins at conception and believe if a woman does not want a baby she has two options, one being birth control as in abstinence, the pill, or condoms and the second is if she does end up pregnant to give the baby up for adoption. However, there are women that don't believe the way I do and choose to end the child's life which I believe is one of the most selfish decisions anyone could make. I firmly believe if the woman has to go to the different avenues to understand how valuable a human life is like in the ways I mentioned, feel the baby kick, hear their heartbeat my only hope is that they would change their mind and we would have less aborted babies.
As I mentioned if we outlaw abortions women will go and have back alley abortions which are not only dangerous, but deadly. If the woman survives the likelihood of her being able to have children down the road is a lot more less likely. Yes, these women may make the decision to end a pregnancy, but should they forever be punished to not having children? My answer is no! We have a God who forgives and redeems us if we call on him and deserves to be blessed because we all fall short of the glory of God. We also need to remember that no other sin is worse than the other, but because we have a father who was willing to sacrifice his son so that we may have eternal life because he loves us