No one is insinuating there is a mistake of or in God's word, you are claiming that is what we are implying. The original writings are inerrant and are God-breathed, all the translations we have (except the New World Translation, the book of Mormon, etc are perversions) do not deviate from any major doctrine of Christianity, it is clear in all of them that you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and sovereign Lord, that he died on the cross for your sins, and rose again on the third day. Finally, that you can start living a new life through Christ starting today if you repent (change your mind) and put your trust in Christ. These translations as their goal try to be as close to the original writings as possible. Some are thought for thought, paraphrase (The Message), very literal (NASB), etc but God uses them all to convict, correct, and change a person from the inside out. Leave this KJV-only cult, recant, repent, and reconcile to God. Thanks. God bless.