What a way to start the morning! I woke up about 6am after having an awful dream. I dreamt my
elderly aunt was in hospital having various tests been wheeled from department to department.
I kept losing track of where she was being taken and was wondering around the hospital looking for
her worrying about her.
Anyway I woke up and started praying my aunt wouldn't get ill again and wouldn't need to go into hospital
(various dreams in the past have come true so I worry now whoever I get these kind of dreams).
Ten minutes later she shouted me down stairs where her bed is, she had slipped out of bed onto the floor!
I rang the ambulance service.
They came out and got her up with an inflatable cushion and gave her a full check up.
Praise God they decided she was ok and didn't need to go to hospital. Praise God for His warnings
and dreams!
elderly aunt was in hospital having various tests been wheeled from department to department.
I kept losing track of where she was being taken and was wondering around the hospital looking for
her worrying about her.
Anyway I woke up and started praying my aunt wouldn't get ill again and wouldn't need to go into hospital
(various dreams in the past have come true so I worry now whoever I get these kind of dreams).
Ten minutes later she shouted me down stairs where her bed is, she had slipped out of bed onto the floor!
I rang the ambulance service.
They came out and got her up with an inflatable cushion and gave her a full check up.
Praise God they decided she was ok and didn't need to go to hospital. Praise God for His warnings
and dreams!