Having lost a love one from assumptive medical protocol I wanted to stick my nose in your business without really sticking my nose in your business. s I hope you don't think I was making any judgments on you or anything of the sort since I don't have all the facts or any really as a matter of fact.
But just the mention the elderly falling makes me want to talk about the potential threat to their life and how it is something that is best addressed by preventative measures that reduce or eliminate their risk to falls. I am sure you are handling he situation right and I am in no position to second guess you even if I wanted to and I won't.
Being familiar with the care giver situation I realize it is hard situation and the sometimes the person receiving the care doesn't make it any easier. But like you are saying, maybe without saying is that even in the difficult situations there are some hidden blessing that those who handled it faithfully will find come from it.
Hi thanks for the response. We've got as much as place as is possible at home,
including a hospital style bed (on loan from the hospital equipment services),
grab rails around the house, walking frame etc. She's done pretty well this
year as just the one slip out of bed. As opposed to several falls in preceding years.
You cant watch a person 24/7 though. At least we know now that part of the cause of
her falls was Undiagnosed COPD and undiagnosed reduced kidney function. Why it's
taken them 3 years to work this out i don't know. Looking back she had been displaying
symptoms of both for at least 3 years but the hospitals did not deal with this before and I
had no idea about either illness. When she came out of hospital in Jan 2016 she only had
31% kidney function, now it's about 51%. So that's another Godly blessing.
In part it's also lack of mobility but she refuses physio as she has had some bad experiences
with physics. Anyway in God we trust.