Warning! Catholic church is a FALSE religion

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I'm writing this thread not to HATE on Catholics. I hate the very EVIL that this religion spews forth. I have researched and have held the Word of God up to their doctrines. Their religion desperately needs to be EXPOSED, because it is full of lies and blasphemy to the Word of God!

"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." 2 Corinthians 11:14

Roman Catholicism is wicked, because they are leading multitudes to hell with their evil doctrines! They frequently refer to themselves as being the "Mother church". Scripture tells on them:

"And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH." Revelation 17:5

The Catholic church bows down to Mary, and that in itself is IDOLATRY!

"I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images."

"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth." Exodus 20:4

Mary is not the mediator or someone to pray to. The scriptures REFUTE this heresy clearly:

"For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" 1 Timothy 2:5

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6

The vatican cannot forgive people of their sins! All mankind has sinned, Jesus is the ONLY perfect lamb of God.

"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" Romans 3:23

"In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace" Ephesians 1:7...Also see 1 John 1:9

Transubstantiation is blasphemy and satanic! Jesus died ONCE, it is a FINISHED! Catholics teach the bread and the wine become the literal blood and body of Christ! That is cannibalism! The mass is so anti-Christian, it just boggles the mind why any Christian would support it!

1 Corinthians 11:24-29 shows the value in the Lords supper. It is a remembrance of our Lord until He returns!!! It doesn't say you literally eat His body!

"For in that he died, he died unto sin ONCE: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. Romans 6-10

"Nor yet that he should offer himself often, as the high priest entereth into the holy place every year with blood of others; For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation."
Hebrews 9:25-28

Read Hebrews 7:26-28...Also read Hebrews 10:8-25....Scripture is very clear on the matter.

The Roman Catholics also teach a works salvation heresy. Their favorite book of the Bible is James which if you read it in the whole scope of the Word, it is saying that our good works are a FRUIT of GENUINE faith in Christ. We are approved in the eyes of men, but God looks at the heart(1 Samuel 16:7).

This is only the tip of the iceberg on the Roman Catholic religion. I do not have the space to show everything. I would suggest you research their faith and hold it up to Scripture. Their man-made gospel and religion condemns them:

"I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed." Galatians 1:6-9

Again, I do not hate Catholics.....But I HATE false gospels, that masquerade as the truth. Those who are looking to the Pope/Mary/works/etc, to save them are deceived.
I agree with you my boyfrind was a catholic, was. i went to his chrch for easter.what a srprise! a statue of mary was brought out. mary! i was like, um she didnt die on the cross. I have since showed him things in the bible that catholicsdo that are wrong and the onlyway to christ. but the catholic church is rich and strong how doyou reason with a faith that says do want you want all week and confession to a priest will make it right and then do it again? But what about the mormons? Whats up with that?


Feb 28, 2009
There are many in Catholicism that have trusted Christ for the forgiveness of sins and their salvation and are just as born again as you or me, but the doctrine that they have been taught is terrible, erroneous, filled with hypocrisy and does not reveal the nature of the one they have trusted, Christ. Many of them have taken on false doctrine, not knowing any better because they are not being fed and don't study God's word for themselves according to (2Tim 2:15), and this had lead them into some terrible understanding and fear that is based on error. They are not free to experience the grace and mercy of God because they have never developed a personal relationship with Christ who saved them. The Holy Spirit is grieved in their life because He can't guide them into the truth nor shed the love of God in their hearts (John 16:13, Rom 5:5). They are taught the gospel with all these things added to it. They are not being taught the whole counsel of God from a pastor and teacher who labors in the word and doctrine (1Tim 5:17), who has been given by God to the church for what has been laid out in (Eph 4:11-16).

In the 1960's a charismatic movement started that God used to open the eyes of many within Catholicism not only to the gospel of Jesus Christ but to the Holy Spirit with signs, wonders, gifts and manifestations. But because of a lack of sound doctrine being taught in this movement, people became occupied with the gifts, tongues and these kinds of manifestations to prove that they had power in their lives. It was extremely emotional and many Catholics became part of that movement but never got rooted in Christ and established in the faith (Col 2:7). Those who hungered after God, were led into local churches where they could grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ (2Peter 3:18).


I still don't know where all this rhetoric comes from. The pastors at my Catholic church teach me and help my spiritual life on a regular basis through their sermons. We also have bible readings in church. I have a few bibles at home I read. So I really don't get it. There seems to be a big following here for the anti-Catholic movement. But hey, tell people something and they'll believe anything. It's normal.


Feb 28, 2009

I am not anti-Catholic and never have been. My mother was Catholic and got involved in the Charismatic Movement in the 60'. She accepted Christ as a Catholic in 1962 and was on fire for God. She loved God very much but later developed some big problems with understanding grace and believed in physical healing in the atonement among other things. She thought that sound doctrine was not important if she loved God. I do not know if you understand what that means. She then got involved with a Bible teaching church from 1971-1980. She loved it but had a problem with forgiving people and got involved with the wrong crowd and started to judge different ones. This slowly got her to leave the church alltogether and gravitate toward Mormons (of all groups). I got on my face and asked God to show me what went wrong in her life. She had no ability to distinquish the difference of many faiths as long as they loved the same God. She never got rooted in God's word. She believed some of it but was inhibited from believing all of it. This caused lots of confusion in her life. She believed that God had already chosen every person for salvation, so their was no need for her to tell others the gospel, even though our Lord commands us to do so and she was led to the Lord by her hairdresser that preached the gospel to her. Go figure! This is the power of deception that comes from false doctrine and private interpretation of God's word. I watched her heart get a little harder as each year went by because of her stubborness and pride. I wept for her and would try to minister but nothing got through. God took her home at 63 years.

Rebellion is when you take your own thoughts about God and esteem them over and above what is written in God's word. Satan's temptations towards Jesus Christ, when He was in the wilderness, were designed to get Christ to rebel against the Father and to reject the Father's authority. But, even in His weakened state, Christ responsed with the written word. If we do not have the written word hid in our heart, dwelling richly, how will we answer when a strategy of the devil comes at us or at our local church?


Every interpretation is a private interpretation. Your interpretation is yours, mine is mine, your mother's hers. The bible you read is an interpretation. The preacher you listen to is giving you his interpretation. The books and articles you read give you their interpretation. Everything is a matter of perspective and interpretation. True some seem to get closer than others to the knowledge and wisdom of God. It's a matter of degrees for every one of us. Everyone's individual path is still valid whatever level they may be at and whatever their choices are with regards to religious following. Too many times I watch people here cut down others instead of witnessing to us their own journey, their own spiritual trials and enlightenment, which is really the only thing a person can be truly sure about, their own experience, because there is no way for us to truly know the depths of the experiences of another and their relationship with God, no matter what their religious following, be it Catholic or otherwise, and no matter what their outward appearance. God has His will and purpose for every one of us. Who would say that your mother's life and impact on others was not exactly according to His will and plan? Perhaps it was her sacrifice that was to be used to build you up! Therefore, her beliefs were very valuable after all. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Let us not judge others lest we be judged. Look inside who YOU are and tell us about it.
Jan 24, 2009
We also have bible readings in church. Bible readings are nice. Why, though, don't RCs take a Bible to mass? I remember, when I first became a Protestant, how weird it was to take a Bible to church. Now, I find it weird that I didn't take a Bible to mass.

Yes, the missalette has all the readings. I like to have my Bible at hand, though. When I'm listening to a minister preach, I like to be able to look up passages(besides the main "reading") that might be brought up in the message/sermon. Also, other verses will occasionaly come to mind while I'm listening, and I like to be able to look them up to check context and to see how they fit with the message.

Also, Protestants often carry their Bibles in a case and that stores notepaper as well. Again, something I never recall witnessing in a RC mass. People don't write/take notes on sermons at the mass.

There seems to be a big following here for the anti-Catholic movement. Some of it is based on misunderstanding of the RC faith. Others are criticisms that I agree with. Protestants error because they read material written by anti-RCs or because they consult with RCs who don't know about their own faith. They'd understand RCs better if they read material written by RC apologists. RCs fail because they don't know their own faith and, like the Protestants, don't read materials written by their own apologists.

I still don't know where all this rhetoric comes from. The pastors at my Catholic church teach me and help my spiritual life on a regular basis through their sermons. We also have bible readings in church. I have a few bibles at home I read. So I really don't get it. There seems to be a big following here for the anti-Catholic movement. But hey, tell people something and they'll believe anything. It's normal.


This thread, and all the people who are so quick to agree with its maker is the reason that Christians get a bad rap. You guys are so ignorant of so many things, its ridiculous. Then you tear down brighter, more loving people and say that the Catholic religion was made by Satan. Hello??? Where is your brain, people? Ever heard of a thing called tolerance, and respect for others' beliefs? In case you didn't know, all forms of Christianity are different not only from each other, but also from the original form, which modern forms are variations of. roraringkitten, you are absolutely crazy.


... besides, there are shortcomings in all religions and within all groups of people and in all walks of life. We'd be best to examine our own shortcomings and then it becomes alot easier to tolerate others because then we know we're all brothers and sisters in the same boat so to speak.


Feb 28, 2009
The word of God or all scripture is given by inspiration of God. If given by inspiration then it stands to reason it must be understood and interpreted by inspiration also. Inspiration is the breath of God that is the same as the Holy Spirit. That inspiration, or the Holy Spirit, is the one that gives man understanding. The word of God claims this is how it happened. Read; (2Peter 1:21, Job 32:8, 2Tim 3:16). Again, the scripture claim that the natural and carnal mind of man can not understand the things of God because they are spiritually discerned (Rom 8:6, 1Cor 2:14). God makes sure in His own inspired word that man knows it is going to take His Holy Spirit to understand every word of God. That is what makes the scriptures of no private interpretation.

When the natural or carnal man tries to interpret the scriptures without God's Spirit, they get into all kinds of trouble with erroneous conclusions and misunderstandings. They see contradictions and call the scripture untrustworthy. They do not compare spirituals things with spiritual (2Cor 2:13). They do not understand nor apply dispensations to the work of God throughout the canon of scriptures, where God worked in specific ways during specific dispensations of times (Eph 1:10). They discredit and rationalize any literal interpretation of scriptures, because a literal interpretation represents an absolute and that has authority that they would have to submit to if they were honest. This is why we see in (Rom 3:4) that God is true and every man a liar. Also in (Num 23:19) God in not a man that can lie since before the world began (Titus 1:2). Here is couple of verses to consider (don't just read them but think about what they say);

1Cor 2:12 'Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God'.

Jude 14-19 'And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him. These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage. But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit'.


I agree entirely. The Holy Spirit brings a person their understanding of the things of God, the many things of God, including the bible. Does a person have to own a bible and read it in order for the Holy Spirit to work within a person? I would say it's the negative because then there would be no way to explain how a person can be saved without having read the bible nor how a person can read the bible and still not be saved. If all we have to do is read the bible and take it literally then what would the Holy Spirit have to do?
Jan 12, 2009
I think most protestants are wrong. They claim to be christians but they worship on the wrong day. A day that was setup by a man, made holy by a man. Why don't they change? Because it would be inconvenient to them....


Wow, where has this thread gone, it went from showing that catholicism is a false religion to, lets see who we can throw a stone at next.
Feb 27, 2007
I think most protestants are wrong. They claim to be christians but they worship on the wrong day. A day that was setup by a man, made holy by a man. Why don't they change? Because it would be inconvenient to them....
rofl... man was not made for the sabbath... having a little trouble grasping what exactly you are trying to say here... perhaps you are stirring the pot to see what happens...


I think most protestants are wrong. They claim to be christians but they worship on the wrong day. A day that was setup by a man, made holy by a man. Why don't they change? Because it would be inconvenient to them....
Originally the Sabbath is to be a day of rest and rememberance. Although I could be wrong, but off hand I don't recall any scripture that requires us to gather for worship on the Sabbath. Personally, I take my Saturdays off seeing as Sundays are somewhat busy considering all the volunteering that goes on while at church. If / when you get involved with pastoral ministry, you will find out real quick that preparing for Sundays can sometimes be a full time job.
Feb 27, 2007
chopsui101 : ahhh just figured out you are adventist. Sorry about that. You worship on saturday, thats ok, dont eat pork, i wont cook it 4 u either so i dont cause you to stumble, but dont for a minute think that because someone doesnt worship on saturday or if they had bacon for breakfast that they are not covered by the grace of our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus... this would include Catholics (throwing that in so we keep on topic) We all get it wrong... the biggest wrong is looking and judging others by the word of God instead of judging yourself... use your scripture to better yourself, not to cast judgement on others. Praying for you to truly see that it is not in the denomination that we worship (providing Jesus is risen Lord and Savior in the church) as these are effected by the people in the denomination. It is in the personal receiving of Christ as Lord and all that follows after that LIFE ALTERING event. I'm curious, do you read your bible on monday & worship and praise God on Monday or is this just a saturday thing and you are good to go if you seek God on Saturday only... do you realize how ludicrous this is?? Also, once you receive Jesus as Lord & Savior and are filled with the Holy Spirit... time with the Lord, be it at 5am b4 the rest of the house gets up or Saturday morning is welcomed and definitely not an inconvenience. Time with the Lord is Cherished. but hey thats just me and I supposed i'd be called a Pentacostal (cause thats where i was saved) Baptist (cause thats where i'm comfortable worshiping), protestant just cause I love how it sounds... so rebellious. anyhow thats all i got to say about that.


Yes, I agree with you. Catholicism was created by satan himself and yet, the Catholic church has over 2Billion followers
I agree also their beliefs contradict scripture, they bowdown to mary, although she is blessed amoung all women she cannot save my soul, next they believe in pergatory, and they also have a different bible with chapters like st.thomas and judas and maccabees. Thos is evil. furthermore they have the pope who is the pope is he jesus no, but somehow he dictates who is a saint and whos not. Then they have confessions, my question if we confess to the priests, who does the priest confess to. Just somethings to think about.(excuse the run on sentences and grammatical errors).1LOVE!


All this talk of one day being more sacred than another is nonsence, they all should be held as precious. You should pray praise worship to our God equally every day in fact increasingly. When I decided to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior I didn't check and see what day it was, or if I had a BLT earlier, no I just asked and he pulled me instantly out of the pit of dispair that I was in and saved me immedietly. If you have a day of the week you hold higher that means tou are just taking the rest off from God, hold all of your days tothe higher standard. IMHO
Jan 24, 2009
they bowdown to mary They aren't supposed to worship Mary. They are allowed to venerate the saints, though.

they also have a different bible I wonder how many people realize the original KJV had the apocrypha in it? I own a Bible that was printed in the mid 1600's & it had the apocrypha in it originally. Later, when it was rebound, the apocrypha was removed. The books of the apocrypha, listed in the table of contents, were scribbled out. Here's an interesting write-up on the history of the English Bible.

with chapters like st.thomas and judas and maccabees Where are you getting your information? First, there is no "st. thomas" or "judas" in the RC version of the Bible. Secondly, Maccabees is a book, not a "chapter". Third, there are 2 books of Maccabees...1 & 2 Maccabees...just like there are 1 & 2 Chronicles, 1 & 2 Corinthians. Go to Wikipedia and get your information straight about what books are in each Denomination's version of the Bible. The RC Bible does not have books called "st thomas" or "judas".

Thos is evil Huh? Is this an attempt to say "those ARE evil", maybe "that IS evil"? Either way, if the reference is to st thomas or judas, they aren't in there to start with.

furthermore they have the pope who is the pope is he jesus no That's right, the Pope isn't Jesus. No RC who knows his/her faith would say the Pope is Jesus, either.

somehow he dictates who is a saint and whos not Somehow you got your information wrong again. Where are you reading/learning this garbage? If you want to learn about the process for canonization of a saint, go here.

Then they have confessions, my question if we confess to the priests, who does the priest confess to Another priest. Oh, and since the Pope is not Jesus and is also a sinner, he also confesses his sins to an ordained member of the RC clergy. From what I understand, he usually confesses to a Cardinal.

excuse the run on sentences and grammatical errors Unless you're lying in your profile, you're 28 years old. You can do better at typing & getting your information straight. Set an example for the younger people here! At this point, I see no reason why anyone should excuse this laziness.

Final thought: In case you consider attacking me as an "evil" RC, I'm not RC. I'm a former RC, now a Protestant. It bugs me, though, when people give false and strange information about a denomination.

I agree also their beliefs contradict scripture, they bowdown to mary, although she is blessed amoung all women she cannot save my soul, next they believe in pergatory, and they also have a different bible with chapters like st.thomas and judas and maccabees. Thos is evil. furthermore they have the pope who is the pope is he jesus no, but somehow he dictates who is a saint and whos not. Then they have confessions, my question if we confess to the priests, who does the priest confess to. Just somethings to think about.(excuse the run on sentences and grammatical errors).1LOVE!
Jan 8, 2009
The catholic bible is a bit different on key areas that catholics differ from protestants. eg. the nature of the wine turning into Christ's actual blood etc. Which makes it difficult to prove the point when their bible supports their own doctrine, and vice versa.
Jan 24, 2009
Luke 22: 19-21

"And he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he brake it, and gave to them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me. And the cup in like manner after supper, saying, This cup is the new covenant in my blood, even that which is poured out for you. But behold, the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me on the table."

RCs and most Eastern Orthodox believe this verse is to be taken literally and believe the elements turn into or transfer(theological term: transubstantiation) into the body/blood of Jesus Christ.
Lutherans and some Orthodox believe the elements take on or contain(theological term: consubstantiation/"sacramental union") the body/blood of Jesus Christ.
Protestants believe this passage is not to be taken literally. As in other cases, Jesus is using an analogy. Communion is a memorial observance and a time to reflect on how one is living.

There are at least 3 views, then, on this issue. Lutherans share the same Bible as other protestant denominations. RCs and Orthodox share a similar Bible.

What's the difference in the RC Bible that causes the difference in theology with protestants and why is Lutheran theology different than both that of the RC church & other protestant denominations?

The catholic bible is a bit different on key areas that catholics differ from protestants. eg. the nature of the wine turning into Christ's actual blood etc. Which makes it difficult to prove the point when their bible supports their own doctrine, and vice versa.
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