Lynn, you jumped to a conclusion I didn't stop talking and expected him to figure it out telepathically. After he left, and I finished cooking, cleaned up and tended to my burns he came back upstairs and I TALKED and I explained to him that I wasn't yelling because I was mean to him that I was yelling out of pain and frustration --- I TALKED -- or attempted to, I gave him the example of if your lifting something and yell "take it" (see above) but he refuses to talk about it, TALKING REQUIRE 2 people... Also talking will force him to admit he was wrong and apologize which he obviously avoids and is in denial. He refused to talk he refused to see things from my point of view he refused to apologize.... and weeks later if I bring it up and say "you know it was very mean that you didn't help because I yelled out in pain "im not ok" I would never do that" and instead of TALKING about it he says "Dont go there" so unfortunately I CANT TALK IT OUT I have to forget it and pretend it never happened or else he will be in a bad mood again. All I want is to talk it out, and he refuses. That is the whole point that I am expected to brush it under the rug to maintain peace.