This morning, my computer was working fine. When I returned after lunch, it was fine. All of a sudden, it made some random "thinking" noise, and a small screen popped up saying some program had to shut down. I don't remember what program it said. I clicked ok, and all seemed fine.
A few mins later, the same small screen reappeared with the same message. I clicked ok, but then decided to scan my computer. As I was trying to update the anti-virus, the small screen showed up again. This time I decided to reboot.
Well, when the comp came back on, it told me I needed to insert the computer cd because there was a recent change made. I couldn't find the cd. So I tried rebooting again, and now it won't go any further than the following:
Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press any key
I'm too nervous to do anything cuz idk what to expect.
Help? Sorry for any typos. I'm posting from my phone.
A few mins later, the same small screen reappeared with the same message. I clicked ok, but then decided to scan my computer. As I was trying to update the anti-virus, the small screen showed up again. This time I decided to reboot.
Well, when the comp came back on, it told me I needed to insert the computer cd because there was a recent change made. I couldn't find the cd. So I tried rebooting again, and now it won't go any further than the following:
Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press any key
I'm too nervous to do anything cuz idk what to expect.
Help? Sorry for any typos. I'm posting from my phone.