Calvinism is another great heresy polluting the Church to this very day.
It is very cranky, but if you ever hear of it, steer clear!!
It is full of false tenets, probably the worst of which is that some people are predestined to the eternal flames of Hell.
Generally speaking you are unlikely to find a proponent of this doctrine today, but it still percolates into some people's thinking.
God is not evil and would not predestine people to not be saved without them having an input in the matter.
All are sinners and come short of the glory of God,and if you offend in the least of the moral laws you have offended all,and there is none that does good,no not one,and the Bible says what makes you to differ from another person,and God is no respecter of persons,and Jesus said anyone that does the will of God is as blessed as Mary,and everyone that hears the word of God and does it the same is Jesus' mother,brother,and sister.
It does not appear as if God would choose who will be saved,and not saved,without them having the choice concerning it when everybody is on the same level,and in the same boat.
Why would God choose who is saved and not saved without them making the choice when God views all people on the same level.
The Bible says that many are called but few chosen,so God does the calling and choosing on earth,depending on the person if they seek truth,and have the right heart for God to lead them to the truth.
God's kingdom is true love.If God chooses people to be saved without them having the decision concerning it,then God's kingdom is not true love,but robotic love,for they would only love God because they have no choice but to love God seeing no other alternative.
That would mean that love between people would be more love than between God and people,for people make the choice to love each other,and of course God gave us the choice to love Him.
The Lamb was slain from the foundation of the world,although it did not happen until 4000 years later.
The prophets blood was shed from the foundation of the world,although it was a future event.
Jesus said the kingdom was prepared for the saints from the foundation of the world,but Jesus told the disciples that He goes away to prepare a place for them.
All the works were finished from the foundation of the world,although they were future events.
And so it is,the saints predestined to salvation,not that God chose them in the beginning without them having a choice in the matter,but God already had the plan to give them salvation before He laid down the foundation of the world,so it is the same as if they had the salvation at the foundation of the world,but it was a future event,when the Lamb was slain which was from the foundation of the world.
All the works were finished from the foundation of the world,and although they were future events,is was a plan of God to happen in the future,so it is the same as if it happened at the foundation of the world.